Oregon BDR Premier

Oregon BDR Premier

On March 25, 2023, Eurotek on OKC hosted a special screening of the new file for the Oregon BDR.  We had a great turnout for the event.  Bill Dragoo and the DART team were in attendance as well.  Even brought a few folks along from a training session that day.

A special thanks to Matt Flaming for leading a ride out to the west of OKC. 12 bikes rode the route.  The ride progress so well, they even got to spend some time at the Lake El Reno ATV park for about a half hour or so.  Only one issue and totally mechanical in nature force a DNF.


If you missed this event, the Oregon BDR film will eventually be published to the Backcountry Discovery Route's YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/@RideBDR