Adventure Rider Training

Adventure Rider Training

During our sign ups in early 2023, many of you asked about adventure rider training in Oklahoma.  Checkout Bill Dragoo ( and his DART team.  Based out of the Norman area, DART is probably the most affordable training program in the country and we are lucky to have them in our backyard.  Checkout the training calendar on their website here:  Classes fill up fast when announced.  So, if you're flexible, get on the waiting list.

The BMW MOA Foundation has grants for training.  The Paul B Grants allow up to $250 for members of the BMW MOA and $100 for non-members.  Just register for the class and apply for the grant more than 30 days before the class is scheduled.  Once the class is completed, you just need to submit a copy of the receipt for payment and copy of certificate of completion to submit for reimbursement.